I let my domain lapse last year when I was sick. I am a non-technical person with very limited backend website experience. I am trying to get my domain back online, but I’m having issues with “name servers”. Host Gator says that Tu Cows should be able to help me. Tu Cows says that it’s a Shopify issue. I closed my Shopify account five years ago. Another issue is that I have an email address attached to that domain via Google suites. I can’t access that email account now. Not sure what to do. Not sure if this is the right place to post. If not my apologies please let me know where I should post this help request. Thanks.
You say you let the domain lapse. Unless you re-registered it, You don’t have it anymore which would explain why it’s not working.
How long has it been since the original expiration date?
0-40 days – you should be able to renew the domain without an additional fee
41-70 days – you might be able to renew the domain, but there will definitely be an additional fee
71-75 days – too late, the domain is going to delete but now is the time to start placing orders with backorder/dropcatch services to try to re-register the domain the instant it drops
76+ days – either someone else re-registered the domain when it dropped, in which case there’s nothing you can do but wait and see if they let it go in a year, or the domain is sitting unregistered in which case you can register it with any registrar
check the domain’s whois data for more information (use the whois
command on your own computer, not a whois website)
Host Gator told me it was my name servers and that TuCows could help. The host Gator site settings say the domain is not connected.
If your domain is not connected to your hosting account the you’ve either got the wrong nameservers or your domain no longer exists/is yours.
Are you able to see your domain when you log into your domain management account?
Is the domain still registered?
Does it show up as available when you search for new domains?
If not, who does the WHOIS record say registered it? Does the name seem familiar?
Or just DM me the domain name and I’ll have a quick look.